Interesting article about the benefits of in-run nutrition, specifically regarding maltodextrin (or dextrose, which is basically the same but has a quicker absorption rate)

Considering I have been running for longer than I care to remember it's crazy that I have only really just discovered the huge benefit to taking on nutrition during exercise. In my defence it's probably that I've only recently started regularly running over 10k and so it has never been an issue that I've had to consider previously. It really is transformational though. Whereas without any 'top-up' I start to flag after about 13k, with a few cheap Dextrose tablets, I can just go on and on feeling full of energy. I did a half-marathon yesterday (21.2k) with no problems. I had my first tablet at 8k and then simply had one tablet every 1k from then on - worked perfectly.

Click here to read an interesting and informative article about Maltodextrin and Fructose in-race nutrition. (No, I'm not sponsored by Torq, but open to offers!) 😍 This gives you the science behind it but also gives the game away somewhat and shows how you can basically just use cheap dextrose tablets, which will do almost as well, but for a fraction of the price. Only takes a few minutes of internet research, reading a few scientific papers to confirm that - trust me! And I've proven it in the real world too.