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Review #2 - TransferNow free file share utility

This review showcases a great little file transfer utility I have been using for ages now. If you need to transfer and share large files, or a complete folder of files, anything up-to 5GB in one go, then this is the one to use.

Highlights -
• Totally free to share up-to 5GB of data.
• No need to register.
• Really simple and intuitive interface.
• Secure and reliable transfer.
• Can transfer all common files types – video, photos, docs, pdf, etc.
• All you need is the recipient’s email address.
• Takes only a few seconds to send your files, photos, data etc.
• Files available to download for 7 days then files deleted securely from TransferNow.

Alessia Travestita Review

Ever need to send large files such as videos, or send a large number of files to a friend such as photo albums, etc? It’s something that probably most of us need to do from time to time. So how do you get around those email attachment limits?

Simple, use the great, free and secure file transfer utility ‘TransferNow’.

It’s ridiculously simple to use.
• Go to the TransferNow website.
• Click on the large round ‘Start’ button.
• Select the files you want to transfer. You can either select individual files or just select an entire folder.
• Fill in your email address, your name (optional), recipient’s email address (you can enter multiple addresses), and then complete the optional Subject and Message fields
• Click ‘Transfer’

Doxy design classics.

You may see a brief security check and then your files will be sent. It will obviously depend on the speed of your internet connection but even large files are pretty quick. As soon as your files have been sent you will get a confirmation as below.

Alessia's Doxy delight

Clicking on ‘View my transfer’ will give you a detailed record of the transfer but there is really no need.
The recipient will then receive an automated email informing them that they have been sent the files and this will include a simple ‘Go to download’ button to click and download the files.

Doxy's Anal Delight

The recipient has 7 days in which to download the files, after which the files are securely deleted from TransferNow.
There are of course other options available if you register an account and there are paid options too if you need other more extensive facilities but for 99% of users there is no need. Happy transfers! Alessia xxx

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